

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Tulsa- We have a problem!

My city. My home. My friends- I have them on both sides of the line that is very much being drawn in the sand here in Tulsa.

The news in Tulsa has been relentless on the homeless and lower income this last week. I understand about concerns with the panhandling and litter and a need to address these things. However, I disagree with "their" mindset of how to do that. I am disappointed and frustrated with the direction chosen by many of those who are suppose to be standing in the gap and helping to represent this group of  "transients", "homeless", indigent", and "those people" -since we are labeling.

 A winter night with friends

A small statement in a news story yesterday mentioned some document online that discusses the cities solutions. I, OF COURSE, went to find it. Friends, in this document (read it here) many things quickly caught my attention. The last several months a certain group has been pushing other groups that serve here in Tulsa to ONLY coordinate with them and ONLY do things the way they say, limiting any group to help in only ways that they approve and hand out only items that they approve of. By items, I mean everything. Down to NOT allowing anyone to hand out blankets, even in the winter months, because it makes it "easier" to stay on the street. In this document, there is NO discussion of how they will actually help those living on the streets. No discussion of increasing beds, or how they will actually get the funds for mental health and addiction services. Nothing about building a community for these individuals, so that when they do get off the streets they have a group that is walking that road with them. Nope. Not there. What is there? Stopping the support that is in place while they try to figure out all the other stuff. It actually says "resolve the issue of on-street feeding stations" and STOP the giving! STOPPING the public from helping. That's us folks. They want to LIMIT what we are called to do and they want to do it WITHOUT a backup plan to house, help, rehabilitate, and reintroduce these people back into our city.

To my non-believer friends, I encourage you to love like you want to be loved. Step out and be to others, the person you want them to be to you. Set the bar high. This next portion of this blog is to my believing friends. Our LORD and savior has been very clear in his instruction to us. I could never say it this clearly so I will just quote from the current book I am reading (and encourage you to read it for yourself- Jen Hatmaker, Interrupted).


"Saying, "I meant well" is not going to cut it. Not with God screaming, begging, pleading, urging us to love mercy and justice, to feed the poor and the orphaned, to care for the last and least in nearly every book of the Bible. It will not be enough one day to stand before Jesus and say, "Oh? Were you serious about that?"

"We don't get to opt out of living on mission because we might not be appreciated. We are not allowed to neglect the oppressed because we have reservations about their discernment. We cannot deny love because it might be despised or misunderstood. We can't withhold social relief because we're not convinced it will be perfectly managed. We can't project our advantaged perspective onto struggling people and expect results available only to the privileged. Must we be wise? Absolutely. But doing nothing is a blatant sin of omission. Turning a blind eye to the bottom on the grounds of "unworthiness" is the antithesis to Jesus' entire mission. How dare we? Most of us know nothing, nothing of the struggles of the poor. We erroneously think ourselves superior and it is a wonder God would use us at all to minister to His beloved."

I am sure that there are times that someone has taken advantage of my heart under that bridge. You know what? It doesn't matter. There are also times that just by being there I have been able to take a family of 5- the youngest being 2 and the oldest child 16- that were kicked out of a shelter in the middle of winter and find somewhere warm for them. There are also times when I have been witness to God's amazing healing as He has worked on both volunteer's and guest's hearts. I have watched God's children come and be fed. Some that had not eaten for days. Families choosing to come from their homes, that are nothing but a roof over their head, and enjoy a meal together at a table with friends. I have witnessed a community ERASE the line in the sand and join together as one as our friends mourns the loss of their son and nephew. I have learned so much and my blinders have been removed. I know that I will not reach everyone. Everyone deserves the opportunity to be loved and deserves someone trying to reach them. I am thankful for a lifetime of people reaching out to me and a God that doesn't give up. This is NOT happening like it should, in the facilities and with the services downtown at this time. People in the margins are being missed.

Guest came back and washed my feet

Categorizing, labeling, and restricting is not necessarily the right or only answer to how to deal with issues that our city and every other city in the U.S. faces. Every person matters. Every person is important. Some of them have never been told that and our actions towards these dear people speaks so loudly of how we value or them.

A princess wand that a sweet 4 year old and I made under the bridge. She ended up sleeping in a shelter that night.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Beauty Under The Bridge

I finally have a moment to collectively write down the things I loved about last night under the bridge....I know your probably tired of reading them but I want to remember....

1. I LOVE the volunteers and the relationships that have formed.
There are so many new friendships that have formed between volunteers under that bridge. People that I would have never met any other way and even if I did it would be highly unlikely that I would know them the same way I do now. For the volunteers that I have "known" for a while- I now feel like I KNOW you. It is different than seeing each other in passing weekly at church- it is deeper. For both these sets of volunteers- that are out serving each week alongside me, I am honored that you would open your heart and share it with others.. and that I am able to be there with you. When you are not there, I truly miss you. You aren't only blessing our guest, you bless me.

2. I LOVE our guest. I know I say this all the time!!! It is SO true. I love the updates on their week. I love that they make fun of my driving. I love the hugs. I love the smiles. I love their gratitude. I love the actuality that they allow me to see. I love the tears...that they trust our volunteers with. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE.

3. I LOVE that Steve introduced me to Nicole and Billy months ago. They camp way out so we don't get to see them each week. When they do come in it is such a blessing. They are the sweetest people. They came to the foot washing section and I was blessed to get to spend some time with them. I am so thankful for our core team and the decision to place the tarps (donated from many of you a couple months ago) and donated blankets (from Dr. Jerry Freed's office) on the van this week. We were able to give them tarps, blankets, essential items, socks....all donated from many of you and many that I don't know. When I asked if they needed anything else, Billy said, "do you happen to have any pots or pans?" ...Ok, last week when I asked for pots and pans it wasn't for Billy and Nicole. But God had other plans. Rufas did not show up this week so those pots and pans that were sitting in the back of my vehicle (donated by Mandi Ramsey) went straight to this sweet couple. People!!! I LOVE you guys for making a difference and LOVING this couple.

4. I LOVE Pete and Jeff...the "dog guys". Those 2 are amazing! I am so glad that I got to listen to their stories of how they actually paid to get one of our guest dogs out of the pound. They work there!  Country had trusted his dog with others while he went into the shelter on one of the really cold nights this winter. They came in and there was Dog (that's actually the dogs name lol). They have worked with Country and taught him tricks to train Dog and work with him to make sure he is cared for. They understand that Dog is Country's family. They are awesome.

5. I LOVE watching new volunteers and guest be changed!

6. I LOVE watching Mike and Monika with guest at the foot washing station. Those 2 are amazing and are my replacements!!! Soon they will be training and releasing the area to otheres :) They are SO good. Last night Monika washed the feet of a guy in great need of love and dignity. Afterwards he wanted to use the basin and warm water to wash off a little. Mike and Monika helped him with warm water and rags. They did amazing at loving him right in that moment. He is a Air Force Vet and what a memory that burned in my mind.

7. I LOVE that after 3 MONTHS! 3 MONTHS! 12 long weeks! Cindy FINALLY smiled at me, gave me a little side hug, accepted socks, and said that one day she is going to let me wash her feet!. I have been pretty sure she hated me for a while now. :) LOL.

8. I LOVE our Night Light core staff. I could go on and on about this but let me just say that these "Sisters of Thunder", and men of God, are truly amazing, and encouraging, and just awesome.

9. I LOVE that the port-a-potty was clean for our volunteers...even though that was the WORSE. JOB. EVER.

10. I am slightly disappointed I didn't get to see the issue with the ice cream vender/cart-guy pushing it through the bridge, bells and all. BTW, we totally have great stories from the bridge which I LOVE! You HAVE to be able to laugh!

11. I LOVE that the grill worked...and that we have amazing people each week that bless others by running it!...and that Randy fixed it after it didn't work last week. :)

Goodness, I know that there is a lot more. I am just so grateful to get to be apart of this each week. There is no way it could happen without all the support. You guys are SO good. It blows me away and I laugh and say..."I hope God knows what he is doing". Never did I dream that this is where I would be or what I would be doing- or that it would grow like this. I am so thankful that I am not in charge of my future and that I share this journey with a great group of people. What I have learned, experienced, and am still learning each week will stay with me always. I pray that each of you are able to see the impact you have through the stories I share because none of this would happen without you. The support and prayer that you offer on behalf of that beautiful bridge and all that goes on under it is beyond amazing. I am so very thankful and God is so good.

P.S. I forgot that I LOVE that "my" girls from the neighborhood still come and get there feet washed and pick out fun socks. ....I know there is so much more but I will stop for your sake :)

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Rejoicing and Mourning- Loving each other matters!

A new favorite picture of mine- under the bridge at Night Light

Over the past year our life has completely changed. I have dropped down to working just a few hours of nursing a week. We are homeschooling Ben. The dream of Night Light is a reality and is a daily part of our lives. It is all different. We are learning so much about people and our world…and about God’s love. Some days I am in disbelief of what all God has done. I was interviewed this week by a two girls working on a documentary. A couple of the questions were “Is your life what you thought it would be” and “are you happy?" Those questions keep coming back to me. My life is certainly not at all what I imagined it would be. Not. At. All! I am so thankful for that! I am glad to know that someone much bigger and brighter than myself is leading the way. And yes, I am so happy. I believe we all have seasons. Two years ago, my season looked much different than it does today. I was happy but it was rough, and scary. I am thankful. Without all of that, I know I wouldn't be here, doing what I am today. Our minister said this on Sunday, “We rejoice with those who rejoice and we mourn with those who mourn and we let God be God”. What I have learned is that in each season God wants us to have relationships to rejoice and mourn with each other. I have no idea what my future holds but I know that God does.

I share stories of what goes on under the bridge so that others may see the importance of ALL people having someone to rejoice and mourn with. I share them so others can see not what I have done but what HE is doing. When we first started, I have to admit, there were nights that I had an attitude of how I was going to help the people downtown. That is so untrue. I see it now. We help each other. I know what it does for me when a friend comes to me and hugs me- under the bridge or passing by at the mall. We are made to cheer each other on, lift each other up, and show love. We are made that way! It is vital for everyone to know they are cared for. It is so important.

I met Joyce about 3 weeks ago. She appears to be in her late 40’s but age is so different when you’re living on the street or under a bridge. This was her first time at Night Light. She was dressed in a little summer dress with her hair pulled back. She was toting several different bags, I’m sure it was all she owned. From when I first saw her until I officially met her (which was quite a walking distance) she was picking up trash to help keep the area clean. I walked over to her with a trash bag and our friendship began.  It was one of those times when you feel like you've sort of known the person all along and they are just catching you up on what is most recent in their life. I recognized that in this moment she needed me to sit and listen. So many times I struggle with this. I think I need to say something super wise and helpful…thankfully we work with a God that handles all of that stuff. Her honesty was so simple yet so bold. She shared her struggles and her coping mechanisms- both the good ones and the bad. She shared that she knows she is a sinner but doesn't know how to turn from her struggles. She shared that she felt lost and hopeless. As we visited I thought about how we all struggle with turning from the sins that we face. I prayed quietly to myself, that she would be loved on and lifted up through the relationships that she would encounter under the bridge that night. She hasn't missed a week since.

I met Todd 2 weeks ago. He is young, late 20’s or early 30’s. He was the unexpected for me that night. As we were getting set up he wondered over and asked what we were doing. I wasn't sure if he was someone that randomly wondered up, a volunteer, or a guest. After some questioning, I realized that he was indeed homeless and that this was a completely new environment for him. We visited briefly and I told him he should get in line for a burger and hang out with us for the evening. The night got underway and I was busy at the foot washing station. About 45 minutes into the night he came back over and questioned what we were doing at this station. I offered to wash his feet or if he was uncomfortable with that to just take some socks. He couldn't believe we were washing feet. You could read the confusion and disbelief on his face but you could also see the hurt all over him. I got him to sit and remove his socks and shoes. I rolled up his jeans and began to wash his feet. He kept apologizing that I was having to wash his feet. I told him I really enjoyed being able to do this for people and changed the conversation.  There is something that happens when you are kneeling before a person washing their feet. I can’t even explain it. After 7 months I am usually aware that it is coming and can brace my heart for it. Tonight, I was not prepared. I didn't ask how long he had been sleeping on the streets but I would guess that it had only been a couple days. He began to open up and share his story and about half way through he dissolved into a pile of tears. He buried his face into his arms and with his feet still in the basin, curled his upper body into a ball in his lap. He was unable to speak and he was sobbing. I was completely taken back. I felt the lump in my throat. I had no words. I literally hurt for him and with him. It took a few minutes and he was able to regain composure and I was able to finish up. I spoke the few words that I could even seem to find. Afterwards I sent Jason to visit with him for a while. He hasn't been back. I am praying so hard that he found a way off of the streets and into an environment that he can get the help he needs.

Oh, Robbie. We met Robbie around Thanksgiving. He had just moved back to Tulsa. He has been in and out of prison. His first encounter with drugs was on his 12th birthday when his mom injected him. He is Jason and my age. He loves baseball. He is super fun and easy to talk with. We didn't see him for several months. Then, about a month and a half ago, he started showing up again. He had gotten an apartment and was doing well. He recently lost it. The first week he was back out under the bridge he was sober and so disappointed. As the weeks have passed we have watched him spiral downhill. However, he still is showing up under the bridge and we still are there to welcome him. Man, it is so hard to watch sometimes. So hard. I have to remind myself of the times I fall back on my bad habits and what it means to me to have people in my life that are there to love me regardless. I was discussing this with Zach from Bridgetown in Portland this weekend. He said when they are doing good, we are there. When they are struggling, we are there. The point is that we are there. I am praying that we are able to see his good days again.

Dennis and Terri
I love Dennis and Terri! They are from the neighborhood and have been joining us for dinner for months. She is 4 months pregnant. They are so thankful for every bit of help that they receive. I am thankful for their sweet friendship. They know all of my kids and make a point to say hello to them. What a special relationship. Over Easter they gave another volunteer and myself a sweet card. It had chocolate praying hands in it. I don’t think they will ever know how much that sweet card meant to me. I know that they don't have much. It was very touching. I can’t wait for sweet baby Tristen to be born and to get some cuddle time in.

The card from Dennis and Terri


Saturday, March 22, 2014

Six Months of Night Light

The following are blogs and posts that I have written over these past 6 months. They are memories and feelings that I hope I always keep with me.That first night seems like a million years ago in some ways and like yesterday in others. I never want to forget the anticipation, nervousness, and excitement. I am compiling these memories for myself so they are in one spot. They are also for others that might be interested in seeing what God can do with a bunch of people who have a tiny plan to love people the way Jesus did and are willing to allow God to grow that into His own thing.

Night Light’s First Night

Thursday September 19, 2013 marked our 1st ever Night Light! Much planning, preparation, and prayer went into our first night under the bridge at Maybelle and Brady! I was sick to my stomach with nervousness and excitement. I wasn't sure if I wanted to laugh, cry, or throw up. We were beyond thrilled to host approximately 35 guest and about 20 volunteers! I loved watching the interaction between volunteers and guest from both the homeless population and the neighborhood.
The smell of hamburgers and hot dogs filled the air and filled lots of stomachs as we grilled about 65 burgers! It was great to see people from all different paths sitting together at tables and building relationships. We also were able to hand out many gifts from our "blessings table". It was fun to watch as some of our female guest sorted through donated soaps. I even saw that some of our amazing donors had given brand new "bath and body" products! Some of our guest stepped way out of their comfort zone and allowed us to wash their feet and clothe them with new socks! This was a favorite station of mine as it allowed us to really visit with someone we didn't know.
What an amazing night! God has provided more than I could have ever imagined to do myself or with any group of people. I am excited for what this next week will hold! I hope that our consistency and our love for people will reach all of those that we saw looking on from a distance.

Food line during our first week

Double Blessings (Week #2)

I have spent several days processing the events of last Thursday's Night Light. There are really no words that can fully explain the relationships and blessings that were exchanged that night. I will do my best to recall some of what I was able to see or hear about. I am truly unsure of who was blessed more...our guest, our volunteers, or our core staff!
As we met for volunteer orientation the guest were already coming in, finding a seat, and waiting on us. Within our first 15 minutes we had surpassed the number of guest for our entire first night. We had about 30 volunteers (including core staff) this is 10 more than the previous week. By the end of the night we had nearly tripled our first night number and served approximately 80 guest! We were excited that many of the guest we had met the previous week had returned. We were also excited to see kids from the neighborhood coming with their families and also kids coming with volunteers. We look forward to the all the possibilities as the children bless each other and build friendships!
The host/hostess group heard many of our guest saying things like "I can't believe you guys take time to talk with us" and "this is the first time I have seen Jesus down here". We do not force any lesson or prayer time upon our guest. Our goal is to build relationships and let visitors know they are important. Whatever comes from that relationship is a bonus! At the blessings table I heard so many guest excited and grateful to get multiple items from underwear to cough drops.
The foot washing station was a amazing place to be. Last week I washed about 6 guests feet. This week it was around 15! At this station I watched as a daddy and daughter worked together and a friend worked with my sweet Benjamin to wash feet. The guest certainly felt pampered! Toward the end of the evening one of the guest whose feet I had washed the week before came in. He walked directly up to me and said "sit down, now its your turn." It was such a touching moment and I was so overwhelmed. Never did I see this coming. What a special thing that I will always remember. Also, toward the end of the evening we had a lady in need of shoes and one of our volunteers, without hesitation, took his off and handed them to her. He was in his socks for the rest of the night.

Guest washing my feet

Living the Mission (Week #3)

This past Thursday brought forth a large growth of volunteers. I am glad that the word is getting out and that people want to be apart of this experience! It was our third week under the bridge. We have had many new faces each week, but we are also seeing many regulars, both guest and volunteers. It is fun to watch everyone greet each other after being apart throughout the week. These are the relationships that the Night Light staff has been praying about and striving for. All of the food, blessings, etc. are just reasons to meet someone new, open a door, and build a relationship. Our very gracious guest have made very easy to do. This week we witnessed many acts of kindness. Some of our homeless guest even helped us clean and load up at the end. Then they circled up with us for a prayer before we left.  It has been amazing to watch this mission come to life and cross worldly barriers...blessing all involved with gifts of love, hope, encouragement and non-judgment.

Loving Individuals, Giving hope, Touching souls (Almost 2 Months)

Night Light Tulsa has almost reached its 2 month mark of serving under the bridge. After many months of praying, planning, and preparing, we are now enjoying watching where God is leading us. We have watched many new friendships form and blessings being traded between our guest and volunteers.
In the past few weeks our Night Light Tulsa donators didn't miss a beat stepping up to the challenge of keeping our guest warm. Last week our guest waited patiently for blankets, coats, gloves, and other warm items. We were so overwhelmed that our donators had filled these request and we had plenty to give out. Each guest was so grateful for these items and we heard "thank you" along with their stories of trying to stay warm the last several nights over and over.
The foot washing area is of course my favorite area. It has been really taken off. When we first opened this area our guest were unsure of what to think. They would watch from a distance as a brave soul would venture over every now and then. Now this area stays busy. We have started warming the water as it has turned cold and they are truly in for a treat as we wash, lotion, massage, and powder them. I love to hear them brag to the next person in line! Each person leaves with a new pair of socks. This week we had a gentleman come up in a pair of dirty socks and no shoes. His shoes had been stolen the night before. I watched as our amazing volunteers covered him in dignity and love. When he left this station he knew he was important to us and he had clean feet, new socks, and a new pair of donated size 10 shoes. The relief on his face was enough to warm all of us standing there.
The food table remains busy from the time we open until we close. The line typically extends out the bridge. Last week we served about 200 guest. Each week we have watched God provide just the right amount of food to feed our crowd. One women shared with us that this is the 1 good meal she gets each week. Our servers and our host and hostess' have done an amazing job working together to get the food out and to share a meal at a table with our visitors. 
I am amazed to witness the graciousness of people. Both our guest and volunteers have pushed themselves to step out of their comfort zones- to not draw a line in the sand of "them" and "us". We are all the same. All children of the King. All brothers and sisters. Some of our guest are already recognizing this as something different than what they have seen before and are beginning to ask questions. Others are not to that point yet. Either way, we continue to build relationships with everyone under that bridge. We are blessed beyond measure with all the support Night Light has been given and we strive to make a difference by Loving Individuals, Giving Hope, and Touching Souls.

Donated Blankets

Beginning of November

I am still in awe of the movement to love and serve each other that I saw last night. I want to share a few stories about people making a difference.
The first story is of a young lady who has found herself homeless for the first time. She and her husband were in the low-income category to begin with. Her husband was murdered and she lost everything after his passing. As she was on the streets with her coat, a blanket, and about $20, she was followed by a group of guys. They stole everything from her. She came to us with no coat, no blanket, and a lot of hurt and sadness. Our volunteers were able to be an outlet for her grief. They built her back up and provided her with a warm meal, a coat, blanket, pants and a warm shirt, and many essentials. 
The next is about a little girl from the neighborhood. Her parents are divorced and she comes down to visit us each week by herself. She is the sweetest little girl! She always comes by with a hug and a story. This week she was asking for blankets so she wouldn't have to share one blanket with 2 of her siblings that she sleeps with. We ran out of blankets before she got one. She said she will be back earlier next week.
Last is a story from a volunteer:
"My friend that came to help last night (at Night Light) told me that he and his daughter sat and talked with guests that were there for the first time. At the end, the guest said that after his meal and watching people receive clothes and others getting their feet watched, that he truly felt like it was the first time he had ever been at "church"."
There are so many stories. They are from Tulsa. When a donation is made people are not just giving out a coat- someone is loving that individual and building a relationship as they help them pick it out. It gives them an opportunity to be a "real" person and find something they like. They are giving them warmth and safety from the elements. It is so much more then a coat that wasn't used anymore. It is like that with all of the donations- both physical and financial. It is so humbling to be a part of this opportunity.

Night Light in November

Posts from my Facebook

Proud of Ben

So proud of my Ben, who last Friday hopped in the car and said "I need some Night Light flyers"...and then today followed up and took them to some of his teachers! When I asked him why he thinks we do Night Light his response was that we are suppose to show others Jesus. This is a way we can do that. Love, Love, Love his heart!

A Beautiful Opportunity

Don't know if I can sleep... pretty sure I can't. Tonight at Night Light I took a minute to step up into the shadows of the bridge and watch. This push from God over a year ago...between a couple friends... has turned into this beautiful thing. God has led it completely. Putting all the right players in place and providing everything we need....down to extra socks at the last minute tonight. I watched as several different groups served together. It didn't matter whether you were from this church or that, a teen or elderly, homeless or with a home. There were many stories I got to hear about or watch unfold but one that I loved was as one volunteer unknowingly asked another if she could wash her feet. The volunteer declined and they laughed as they realized they were both volunteers. Then the first came to me and said "I love this, we are all the same under here. You can't tell who is who." What an amazing thing it is to love people and serve one another without it mattering what you do or don't have. Loving and caring because ALL people are important and because that is exactly how God thinks of us. I am so blessed to be able to meet so many amazing people each week. Thank you Lord for this opportunity.

Blessings Of A Harsh Winter

It was around 16 degrees at Night Light last night. I had about 3 layers on along with 2 pairs of socks and 2 pairs of gloves. When I got home it took a few hours to thaw out. As cold as I was, I wouldn't have changed a thing about last night. This harsh winter has brought many blessings under that bridge. Over and over our guest, now our friends, continue to talk about how they know they can rely on us to be there. Amazing volunteers continue to bundle up and show up! And it's not just volunteers we know. Last night there were at least 8 new volunteers (off the top of my head) that came by word of mouth and Facebook! Other supporters continue to donate warm items, essentials, and money- all necessary tools for setting up relationships and loving people. A few favorite moments include one man sharing that he's never felt homeless when he's with us. He said, "it's always just felt like I am a guest in your home." Another sweet guest never misses and each week he comes over and expresses how thankful he is to spend his time with us and how grateful he is for the meal...he does this each week before he leaves. Another young guy came over and asked Anisa Jackson and I if we pray. We answered yes. He said, "well, I don't really believe in that stuff but I have a friend"...and he continued to share concerns on his heart and asked us to pray for this friend and his friends children. Before he walked off he again said he didn't believe but he's noticed that when people who do believe, pray, sometimes things happen. He doesn't even recognize God working in him...but we did!  I also love that one of our first time volunteers who was there with her teenage daughter (who had previously made and donated warming kits over the holidays just from hearing about us) stated "this is really fun, and amazing". She also commented how she could see the relationship between everyone just by watching interactions. Also, one of our guest that really struggles with alcohol was sober last night and we got to have a great conversation. The winter is hard but what better way to show how much each person means to us. And they do- guest, volunteers, and supporters! I am sure that I am the one blessed beyond what I could ever imagine. Wouldn't change a thing!

My hubby and oldest son braving one of the cold nights!


The last two weeks have been extremely frustrating, challenging, and just all around rough with a lot going on with different things in our lives. Last night as I got to the bridge I saw the sweet familiar face of Rick. He is a friend that hasn't been out in several weeks because he has been in the shelter and they don't let them out at night or they lose there spot. He sat there on the curb, his wheelchair next to him. He had arrived a hour before any one of us would even be there. I was so glad to see him that I immediately went over and sat with him and gave a gentle hug. He began to sob saying how much he's missed meeting with us and explaining that he couldn't leave the shelter. Last night he chose to sleep on the street just so he could spend a couple hours under the bridge with friends. With us. I could have sat right there holding his hand the entire night. I watched numerous people love on him. I don't think he even realizes what a blessing he was in my life last night. I have other sweet happenings from last night that I'll share later. This one has just really been on my heart all morning.

What I Love About My Time Under The Bridge

There are so many things that I love about spending my Thursday nights under a bridge. Here are a few from last night:
  • The hugs from neighborhood kids, guest, and volunteers
  • Surprising the kids with their favorite color of socks...its the little things!
  • That it doesn't matter how many weeks ago I washed someone's feet-somehow they remember my name and what we talked about. I love these rela...tionships.
  • Seeing volunteers that haven't been able to be out it a few weeks come back ...they never know how much they have been missed!
  • Watching people mobilize themselves whether it is an 8 year old girl and her family who take a dollar and turn it into $150 to donate and she also challenges her neighborhood to donate used board games for an upcoming springtime game night OR a volunteer that challenges those around her to give blankets and comes to the bridge with around 80 to give away. 
  • Stepping back and watching God use people to provide EXACTLY what is needed- last night we went to the bridge with very little clothing/coats and only one blanket. Volunteers showed up with around 80 blankets and filled the clothing racks with exactly what we needed for the night. 
  • LOVE THIS ONE- a guest who has been coming for weeks and is always so quiet and reserved- steps out and hugs you. 
  • Knowing that God is leading.. There is a house nearby that we contemplated renting for storage. We decided against it and last night the new renters joined us under the bridge. 
  • "The popcorn man" and how he came to be
  •  Animal Control coming out to love on the animals...not take them away. AND... on there own, and apart from their shelter...arranging for a vet to come out in April and give out free rabies vaccines to the dogs...I never expected that type of mobilization!
  • New people 
  • "Regulars" 
  • Volunteers who keep coming regardless of being uncomfortable the first time...each week they become more comfortable and fall more in love with the relationships and the opportunities to love people....and when they say "I want to try the prayer table sometime soon, but I am not ready yet" and then take a host position....and God knows them better than they know themselves....and a guest asks them to pray. Right then. Right there. And they do!!...and they surprise themselves. I LOVE THIS!

I love so many things and so many people that are connected to that bridge and to my Thursday nights. If you have never been out there I urge you to step out and see what it is about. You will bless so many...and you will be blessed. If you can't be out there and want to be apart of it in some way, call me. There are things you can do to help that you probably don't even realize.

Alan the "popcorn man"


I met Adaria about 3 weeks ago. The first thing she ever said to me was "nice to meet you Sarah. If you met our Savior today what two words would you say to him". And with that loaded question our friendship was born. She lived homeless for two years and now lives with an older lady (she herself isn't young). They house a couple of other homeless folks. Last week she searched me out and asked me to pray for wisdom for her to know the right ways to help homeless people. This week she came over as I was washing feet and asked if she could help. She put gloves on and got after it. I sat with her as she washed Shawna's feet. Shawna is a new friend. She has one week before she will be kicked out of supportive housing (something to do with our system and a felony). She is slightly younger than me. She shared with us her struggles with mental health and that she had a felony. She sat and cried. Overwhelmed. She knew where she came from and where she would be headed if she ends up back on the streets. For now she is going back to her mom's in Louisiana to prevent that but she left there to have a new start as that's where her troubles and struggles began. We grabbed hands and Adaria said a sweet prayer over her. Please pray with me for both my friends. It was a blessing to be apart of this moment and I feel lucky that these sweet women felt comfortable sharing their lives with me.

Prayer Request

Many times, my time under the bridge is spread out (which I like). It's not typical for me to be able to spend the entire evening in one area. My nights are usually a rainbow of hugs and updates on how guest are doing, praying and talking with those who need a listening ear, meeting new volunteers and answering questions, listening to previous and new volunteers disclose experiences and feeling that only come from serving like this, searching for things that didn't make it off the truck, connecting people, monitoring the environment, and looking for little neosporins (darn things go so fast). Things like that. Last night was typical in that way so it's not surprising that I was running behind on cleaning my foot washing station up. Many times people will wonder up after we've shut things down but last night it wasn't just one person. Last night was different. This was a panicked mother pushing her 2 year old baby in a stroller (breathing nebulizer in the bottom of the stroller because the baby has RSV), and her 4 boys ages 5 to 16 carrying all of their backpacks. They had just been kicked out of one of the shelters for missing a meeting by 20 minutes. Her phone went dead while trying to get them into another shelter. She was lost. It was dark. She had all her babies with her....and here she was standing in front of me. Panicked. As I pulled out my phone and began to help her she and the kids were surrounded with love (I love our people under the bridge). I was able to get her into the shelter and sat with them through the whole process. I've also been able to go back and visit with her today. I doubt many of us even know how blessed we are and how flawed our system is. Let me tell you this, I am forever changed by this experience. God uses us when we feel undeserving of being used. He opens up doors and waits for us to walk through them. He wants us to find ways to encourage one another. We all need it...both on the giving and receiving end. My words are scattered as I still process everything that I've heard and seen...and knowing 5 precious kids are living this, along with their exhausted momma. Please pray with me for this dear family.

Blessings From The Bridge

I'm convinced that foot washing is the absolute best station under the bridge. I love when a volunteer steps out of their comfort zone and fits so perfectly in a new area. I love watching the blessings flow back and forth. I love sitting at our guests feet and listening. I love how they go from a guest to a friend in these few minutes. I love washing feet with my eight year old son. I love all of that. And tonight I also love that as one of my friends was leaving the bridge to go back to her "home" she was sure to stop by, give me a hug, and say I love you. Awe, if only I could fill others hearts the way mine is filled each week.

 Night Light -6 months this month

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Back To Writing About My Passions...

Back To Writing About My Passions...

It has been a couple years since I last posted. So many amazing things have happened in our lives since then. Probably to many to hash out here for fear that I would bore any random reader that may stumble across this blog. What I will say is that God has blessed us with health which has been a huge thing if you've read though my past posts. We are so thankful for the life we have. We love our 3 beautiful children beyond words. Ben is almost 9, Lizzie is 6, and Isaac is about to turn 4. They bring so much joy to us. I am married to an amazing man. In fact, today Jason and I are celebrating our 14th anniversary. He is the best part of me. Truly, he is. I have been so lucky to have him next to me. I have wanted to come back to writing this blog for some time now. I've struggled with whether or not it is something I want to commit to. I want to chronicle so much. So many things have come at us in this last year that I don't want to forget. So many things are ahead in the next. So here I am.

I imagine my post will be a mix of things going on here with our children. They are always an easy subject to write on as they are a never-ending cycle of humor, love, arguing, memories and much more:) They consume much of my time and I wouldn't have it any other way. I plan to start homeschooling them at the beginning of next year. You may find yourself reading all about the good, bad, and ugly, as I try to navigate those waters. I do feel much relief knowing that I have many friends to use as resources. I am hoping that with soften the blow of "I have no idea what I am doing and would someone PLEASE remind me WHY I am doing this?"

I also want to write about Night Light, which is an outreach, ministry, mission,....well, its been called many things, but it has became a passion of love for me. Its purpose is to build relationships with those who have so much less than ourselves. Jason and I have had this type of thing on our hearts for several years now and saw a documentary that mentioned other places that were doing amazing things. We had talked to other couples about it and they were interested but the doors just weren't opening. This summer, after taking our son out to feed the homeless for his birthday (at his request), and after taking our community group down to hand out food, we saw the doors began to open. I contacted another girl who I knew wanted to do this before and also another girl that was interested and we met at our house. From there, our group grew. We started meeting in July to discuss what this would look like, and by September the Night Light team was armed with more than we could ever imagine. Most importantly, we were armed with the love of Christ. That took all selfishness away and let God lead us completely at the beginning. Our goal was to love, bring dignity to those we meet, and to show them that they are important. Over the last several months I think my friends under the bridge have done more for me than I could have ever done for them. My eyes have been opened to many things. I was completely ignorant to our own cities treatment of the poor and homeless. I had never really stopped to consider how people get to a point in their lives where they are homeless. Or how difficult it is to pull yourself out when you have lost everything...including self worth. I have also seen how amazing people can be. How they will rise above what you ever imagined. How they can be moved by opportunity. I have watched God provide week after week and I have watched Him use people who absolutely didn't think they were ready to be used. I have also learned that people are many times, not what they seem- both in good ways and in bad. That is a lesson I am still learning to stomach. That sometimes people choose selfishness and pride. That Satan will use whatever he can and disguise it however he has to. Lets be honest here (and yes, I do want this to be an honest blog), where there is good, there is is reality, and it can seep in wherever we allow it to. However, I want to choose to keep my focus on Christ and how He is working. Some days, this is a minute by minute, forced decision, and many days, I fail.

So, that's a good start! I am going to post some of the blogs that I had wrote for the Night Light site and also some entries I made on Facebook. I don't want to lose those thoughts in the sea of posts. :) I hope that if anyone is out there reading this, that they will feel free to leave me a comment. I love to read  feedback.